The below Ampleforth Governance Token price chart tracks the price of Ampleforth Governance Token against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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✓Algorithmic ✓Ethereum network ✓Governance token
Ampleforth Governance Token (FORTH) has an average daily trading volume of $10.375 million and a market cap of $96million. FORTH is Ampleforth's governance token and allows holders to vote for changes to the Ampleforth protocol or delegate their representatives who vote on their behalf. The project launched in April of 2021 and was the first ever rebasing cryptocurrency. The project uses algorithmic technology and is available on the Ethereum blockchain.
The cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is non-dilutive. However, it can be used to denominate contracts of predictable value.
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