ANKRAnkr price AUD (ANKR)

Ankr price chart

The below Ankr price chart tracks the price of Ankr against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



10.0B ANKR

Max supply

10.0B ANKR

What is Ankr?

✓Distributed Cloud Computing ✓Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) ✓Supports Web3

The Ankr blockchain creates a resource-efficient mechanism to support Distributed Cloud Computing. Conceptualised as Proof of Useful Work (PoUW), the ANKR token is paid to miners who secure the network, propagate blocks, and complete useful compute work for enterprises and consumers. In essence, Ankr incentivises idle computing resources to support Web3 infrastructure.

The ANKR token is used to participate in governance, acts as insurance, and as payment for services on the network. Ultimately, this lets users deploy blockchain nodes at a lower cost than centralised cloud providers. The Ankr Network was founded in 2017 by former Amazon Web Services engineer, Chandler Song, and former Morgan Stanley investment banker, Ryan Fang.

How do I buy Ankr?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Ankr that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Ankr will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common questions about buying Ankr tokens

Everything you need to know about buying Ankr on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Where can I buy and sell Ankr in Australia?

You can buy and sell cryptocurrency on an exchange like Cointree. A crypto exchange is similar to a stock exchange, except you can trade crypto instead of stocks.

Is Ankr a good investment?

At Cointree, we can't provide financial advice. If you'd like specific investment advice, make sure you consult a licensed professional. As always, remember that past performance doesn't predict future performance. You can also do your own research (DYOR) and explore [metrics to evaluate crypto](, [how to micro-invest with crypto](, and the [three types of crypto analysis](

Where can I store my Ankr tokens?

When you sign up to trade with Cointree, you automatically receive a free multi-coin wallet. You can store your Ankr tokens in this wallet to keep them safe and secure. We recommend that you further secure your account with multi-factor authentication.

Buy Ankr (ANKR)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Ankr. You can also switch to convert ANKR to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Ankr in Australia?

Easy and convenient

It's easy to deposit Australian dollars from your bank account and buy Ankr tokens at the best market rate. We use the Australian dollar to list the price on Cointree's exchange, making it easier for you to invest.

Fast and transparent

Buy Ankr in Australia within minutes. Our low fees are backed up with transparent quotes, so you can buy more Ankr with every dollar invested. You can also sell Ankr and withdraw AUD in minutes when you want to lock in profits.

Safe and secure

When you start buying Ankr on our AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange, you can take advantage of your free and secure crypto wallet, deposit AUD with the PayID bank transfer payment method, and make trades with just a few clicks.

Made for you

The [Cointree]( platform is easy-to-use with a personalised dashboard and multiple payment options. We make it easy for everyone to enter the exciting world of crypto. You can set a sell order in seconds and buy in just a few clicks.

What can you do with your Ankr?

Deposit Ankr

Easily transfer Ankr between your wallet and Cointree account.

Hold Ankr

Ankr performs an important role in the crypto ecosystem and some investors are buying Ankr as a long-term investment. These investors hold Ankr in their wallet, anticipating the price to rise.

Trade Ankr

Instantly trade Ankr for any other digital currency within just a few clicks, and at the lowest rates in Australia.

Send Ankr

After you buy Ankr, you can send the tokens to another Ankr wallet. Always make sure that you ensure the wallet address is correct before sending any funds.

Spend Ankr

The more that crypto is accepted in the real world, the easier it is to use crypto like a debit card and spend it in real-world businesses.

Learn About Ankr

On our comprehensive [learning hub](, you can learn about different [cryptocurrencies](, the [difference between a stock exchange and crypto exchange](, beginners investing strategies, and more.

Buy Ankr in minutes

Instantly deposit AUD from your bank account and buy Ankr right now.