AUDIOAudius price AUD (AUDIO)

Audius price chart

The below Audius price chart tracks the price of Audius against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr




Max supply


What is Audius?

✓Decentralised music streaming protocol ✓Artists paid directly ✓Governance token

Audius is a completely decentralised music streaming protocol built on a public blockchain, giving artists immutable and timestamped records for their creative works. Moreover, it allows artists to be paid directly by their fans, rather than through middlemen that take the majority of the revenue. Anyone can distribute and monetise their audio content through a familiar music player interface. The AUDIO tokens are used as payment to artists and node operators, to provide fans with access to user-specific features and gated content, and as a governance token for the protocol.

How do I buy Audius?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Audius that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Audius will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common questions about Audius

Learn about Audius and how you can invest in the growing network today.

How can I buy AUDIO tokens in Australia?

It's easy to buy Audius and other cryptocurrencies on an exchange like Cointree. The first thing you need to do is create and verify your account. You only need to provide some personal information and identification. You can deposit funds with a bank transfer. Using PayID from an Australian bank account, you can deposit AUD instantly. Finally, you can visit our website and make your purchase in just a few clicks.

Why is blockchain technology important for a music app?

Blockchains are ledgers that can't be changed or corrupted. Much like an Australian warranty, they provide the guarantee that you'll get what you paid for or agreed to. That makes them ideal for musicians who want to create a smart contract that automatically pays them when users stream their songs. \ It's easy for anyone to create these smart contracts, helping small independent musicians compete with larger labels. Ultimately, it funnels more money back to artists and away from intermediaries.

Is Audius on Ethereum?

Originally built to be used on the Ethereum network, Audius has gradually migrated to rival blockchain Solana as a means to scale and meet its increasing demand.

Buy Audius (AUDIO)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Audius. You can also switch to convert AUDIO to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Audius in Australia?

Australian exchange

As an Australian change, we make it easy to buy AUDIO with Australian dollars and access your coins 24/7. We also have an expert customer service team based here in Melbourne. You can reach us by phone or through our website.

Satisfied customers

At [Cointree](, we put our customers first. Since 2013, we've helped tens of thousands of Australians enter the exciting world of cryptocurrency and grow their wealth.

Safe and secure

You can buy Audius and store your coins with confidence on our exchange. Unlike multiple brands in crypto, we've protected customers coins since 2013 without a single incident.

Made for you

We're here to help you grow. Subscribe to our market updates, use multiple other products like our auto-trade features, search the top portfolios for trading ideas, and visit our [learning hub](

What can you do with your Audius?

Deposit Audius

You can directly move cryptocurrencies into your Cointree account by instantly depositing Audius. Then you can return them to your wallet whenever you want.

Hold Audius

Many investors buy Audius and store it on our exchange as a long-term investment. They don't have a plan to sell Audius as they believe the network will continue to grow as more musicians and users create an account and use the platform.

Trade Audius

Trade AUDIO tokens for any other digital currency listed on our exchange. You can trade AUDIO for BTC, ETH, DOGE, ADA, and hundreds of other cryptocurrencies.

Send Audius

You can send AUDIO tokens to an external wallet. Whether you're a customer supporting independent musicians or an artist selling your songs on the blockchain music store, you can use the platform's native currency.

Spend Audius

Spend AUDIO on the Audius network, finding new songs that sound great on your Hi-Fi home audio speakers and improving your music collection.

Learn About Audius

Every music fan appreciates the spec of their speakers and details of a Hi-Fi multi-room audio system. It's no different in crypto, users love to explore the details of the platform and see how it works.

Buy Audius just a few minutes

Start with as little as AUD $20 and deposit instantly with your bank account.