ADACardano price AUD (ADA)

Cardano price chart

The below Cardano price chart tracks the price of Cardano against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



36.0B ADA

Max supply

45.0B ADA

What is Cardano?

✓ Proof-of-stake ✓ Smart contracts ✓ Research-driven

Cardano, launched in September 2017, is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform that stands out for its rigorous academic research and evidence-based development. Unlike other blockchains, Cardano was developed through extensive experimentation and peer-reviewed research, resulting in robust, scalable, and secure technology. The platform supports decentralised applications and smart contracts with a multi-asset ledger. Cardano aims to redistribute power from unaccountable structures to individuals, fostering a more secure, transparent, and fair society. Its native token, ADA, named after the 19th-century mathematician Ada Lovelace, is a fundamental part of the network's operation and governance.

How do I buy Cardano?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Cardano that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Cardano will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common Cardano (ADA questions)

We answer the most frequently asked questions about buying Cardano in Australia.

Where is the best place to buy Cardano in Australia?

[Cointree](/home/) is the best place to buy Cardano for Australians. You can create an account in minutes and make your first purchase in only a few clicks. With low fees and a secure website, we make it easy for you to buy ADA. Tens of thousands of Australians choose to buy Cardano on our trading platform and many believe we provide the best [cryptocurrency]( exchange for users.

Can I also sell ADA on Cointree?

Yes. You can sell Cardano on our crypto exchange and receive digital funds in minutes that you can withdraw to your bank account or convert to another digital asset.

Can I buy Cardano with AUD?

Yes, you can buy ADA with AUD. All you need to do is send a bank transfer using mobile or online banking, or with PayID and you can deposit AUD to our crypto exchange. You can then buy ADA in a few clicks.

How can I keep my funds safe?

At Cointree, we prioritise security and have a number of Fund Protection Features that go above and beyond the industry standard. When you sign up and verify your account, we recommend that you add two factor authentication to further protect your account. The Cardano protocol itself is secured by the proof-of-stake network, where holders can delegate their tokens to a validator to stake. This creates an economic incentive for everyone in the network to operate fairly. Beyond the decentralised network, the Cardano Foundation works to oversee the development of the network and adoption of the ADA coin.

Buy Cardano (ADA)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Cardano. You can also switch to convert ADA to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Cardano in Australia?

Easy payment methods

Easily deposit funds using your preferred payment method. Deposit AUD with PayID/OSKO, a bank transfer, or cash deposit, you'll be ready to trade ADA immediately.

Instant buy

You can sign up in minutes and then buy Cardano (ADA) instantly. Our crypto exchanges make it easy to buy and sell ADA at the best market price.

Secure exchange

When you buy ADA on Cointree, you're using an AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange that's been operating since 2013 and is protected with bank-level encryption.

Made for you

An intuitive platform built for our members, featuring 100’s of coins and thousands of trading pairs. Plus, tracking of your portfolio performance can be done with ease.

What can you do with your Cardano?

Deposit Cardano

Instantly transfer Cardano or other digital currencies into your Cointree wallet. Now you're ready to start growing your portfolio.

Hold Cardano

Many investors make their Cardano purchase planning to hold it for a long time and let it appreciate in value. These investors either hold it in their exchange account or transfer it to a hardware wallet.

Trade Cardano

You can trade Cardano another digital currency or Australian dollars in only a few clicks. How much AUD or digital assets you receive in exchange depends on the current price changes.

Send Cardano

You can send ADA across the Cardano platform easily. The ADA cryptocurrency is the native digital token for the network and can be used on the smart contract platform.

Spend Cardano

Much like fiat currency lets you spend the Australian dollar across the country, you can spend Cardano (ADA) in Australia and across the globe with merchants connected to the smart contract platform.

Learn About Cardano

Explore our [learning hub]( to see how Cardano aims to provide cheaper transactions and a fairer financial system, while keeping user’s funds safe and secure.

Buy Cardano (ADA) in minutes

Start with as little as AUD $25 and deposit instantly with your bank account.