The below Celer Network price chart tracks the price of Celer Network against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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10.0B CELR
✓Fast and Interactive ✓Low Cost ✓Novel Cryptoeconomics
Celer Network is a leading layer-2 scaling platform that enables fast, easy and secure off-chain transactions for not only payment transactions, but also generalized off-chain smart contract.
It enables everyone to quickly build, operate, and use highly scalable decentralized applications through innovations in off-chain scaling techniques and incentive-aligned cryptoeconomics.
Celer Network is the most advanced layer-2 scaling platform to build fast, easy-to-use, low-cost and secure blockchain applications at internet scale through innovations in off-chain scaling techniques and incentive-aligned cryptoeconomics.
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