The below Curve DAO Token price chart tracks the price of Curve DAO Token against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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1.3B CRV
3.0B CRV
✓Governance token ✓Liquidity pooling ✓Stable coin trading
The Curve Finance platform is a decentralized exchange. The premise of the development of Curve was to provide a decentralized liquidity pool that wouldn’t have to be at the mercy of illiquidity problems faced by some other ventures in the DeFi industry. This is primarily accomplished by enabling users of the platform to efficiently trade the stablecoins, supported by Curve, with low transaction fees and low risk of slippage experiences.
The utility token itself, CRV, has the inherent functionality of most other governance digital assets - providing the token holders with the ability to propose, delegate and vote on changes to the network. Individuals who stake/deposit their crypto assets on the platform will also be incentivized with CRV and this will be proportionally determined by the size of their contribution to Curve’s liquidity pools.
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