Horizen price AUD (ZEN)

Horizen price chart

The below Horizen price chart tracks the price of Horizen against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



15.9M ZEN

Max supply

21.0M ZEN

What is Horizen?

✓Secure architecture ✓Decentralized ✓PoW mineable cryptocurrency

In a world where fraud and identity theft are so prevalent, the Horizen protocol was developed to establish a standard of cybersecurity with the anticipation of web 3.0 Formerly ZenCash, the team behind Horizen have created a decentralized network that enables users to take control of the security of their data and transactions.

The Horizen platform allows users, be it businesses or individual developers to efficiently produce public and/or private blockchain applications. The protocol’s native digital currency (ZEN) can be used for transactions and earned by running a node.

How do I buy Horizen?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Horizen that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Horizen will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

Don't have an account? Click here to get started

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Frequently asked questions about buying Horizen in Australia

Everything you need to know before you buy Horizen with AUD.

How can I buy Horizen today?

To buy Horizen today, you need to choose a crypto exchange, sign up, deposit funds, and make your purchase. Since 2013, tens of thousands of Australians have chosen to trade with Cointree. All you need to do to get started is create an account, deposit AUD, and make a trade.

Where can I store my tokens after I buy them?

When you buy cryptocurrencies on Cointree, you can store them in the free multi-coin wallet that you receive when you create an account. Make sure you use two factor authentication to further secure your account.

Is Horizen a good investment?

At Cointree, we can't provide any specific financial advice. If you'd like specific investment advice, make sure you speak to a licensed professional. As always, crypto can be highly volatile and past performance doesn't guarantee future performance. For more information about investing in crypto, you can see [what type of crypto investor you are](https://www.cointree.com/learn/crypto-investor-types/), explore the top [smart contract platforms](https://www.cointree.com/learn/smart-contract-platforms/), and see how to start [micro-investing](https://www.cointree.com/learn/micro-investing/).

Buy Horizen (ZEN)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Horizen. You can also switch to convert ZEN to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Horizen in Australia?

Easy process

You can buy Horizen and sell Horizen in just a few clicks. It's also easy to create an account, deposit AUD with a bank transfer, trade Zen, and then withdraw AUD after you lock-in profits.

Australian dollar

All prices on our exchange are listed in the Australian dollar, so you can quickly check ZEN to AUD exchange rates. See how much Australian dollar denomination can improve your trading.

Secure exchange

Buy Horizen on an AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange that's been operating since 2013, served tens of thousands of Australians, and has bank level encryption. Keep your ZEN and other currencies safe and secure.

Low fees

With low fees when you convert Horizen to Australian dollars (ZEN to AUD), you can make the most of every dollar invested. Furthermore, we use the best available exchange rate to determine the current price.

What can you do with your Horizen?

Deposit Horizen

For a fast and simple way to buy, sell or trade Horizen, move Horizen from external wallets into your Cointree account with no deposit fees.

Hold Horizen

Many investors buy Horizen (ZEN) as a long-term investment, as they can see the crypto has the necessary components to make an impact in the crypto space.

Trade Horizen

Instantly trade Horizen (ZEN) for any other digital currency within just a few clicks. You can quickly check the exchange rate with an AUD calculator when trading coin to coin.

Send Horizen

You can send ZEN to a Horizen wallet to store offline or use within the crypto ecosystem. Always make sure the wallet address is correct before sending ZEN across the blockchain.

Spend Horizen

As crypto adoption increases in the real world and businesses want to attract customers who hold crypto, it's becoming easier to spend Horizen in the real world.

Learn About Horizen

Visit [Cointree's](https://www.cointree.com/trade/cryptocurrencies/) extensive [learning hub](https://www.cointree.com/learn/) and learn about the exciting and inclusive ecosystem of cryptocurrency. You can learn about technical analysis, tips for traders, and [how to evaluate crypto](https://www.cointree.com/learn/financial-metrics-evaluate-cryptocurrency/).

Buy Horizen in just a few minutes

Deposit funds instantly from your bank account and start investing.