KSMKusama price AUD (KSM)

Kusama price chart

The below Kusama price chart tracks the price of Kusama against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



16.2M KSM

What is Kusama?

✓Polkadot testnet ✓Interoperable sharded network ✓Highly scalable

Created by Polkadot founder Gavin Wood, Kusama is a platform where developers have complete creative freedom of what they want to build. For developers working on Polkadot, Kusama is sometimes used as a testnet as it can soak up the risk of early experimentation without impacting the Polkadot network.

As Kusama is live and the tokens have value, it’s much more than a testnet. There are real-world economic consequences for dApps, smart contracts, and the code developed on Kusama. Already, there is a thriving ecosystem on the network.

How do I buy Kusama?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Kusama that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Kusama will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common Kusama (KSM) questions

Everything you need to know before making your first purchase of Kusama.

Where can I trade Kusama in Australia?

The best place to trade KSM is Cointree. We're an Australian [cryptocurrency](https://www.cointree.com/trade/cryptocurrencies/) exchange that offers low fees, a beginner-friendly platform, and high levels of security. All you need to do the get started is sign up and verify your account, deposit funds and you're ready to make your first purchase. Beyond Kusama, you can choose from hundreds of other digital assets to purchase, including Polkadot, Ethereum, Cardano, bitcoin, and Dogecoin. The digital economy has grown considerably over the past decade and there are many exciting projects.

Is it safe to store my KSM tokens on Cointree?

Since starting in 2013, [Cointree](https://www.cointree.com/) has kept our users safe and secure without a single incident. You can safely store your coins in the free wallet you receive when you sign up and verify your account. Furthermore, we ensure all your of your data is kept private. However, we still encourage you to use two factor authentication on your account for an added layer of protection.

Buy Kusama (KSM)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Kusama. You can also switch to convert KSM to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Kusama in Australia?

Deposit AUD

Easily deposit Australian dollars into your exchange account and purchase Kusama (KSM) at the best current price. All crypto market prices are listed in the Australian dollar on our trading exchange.

Instant transactions

Instantly buy Kusama (KSM), convert Kusama, or trade KSM. In only a few seconds, you can buy or sell Kusama with low fees. It's much faster than a bank transfer.

Secure exchange

As an Australian exchange, we're AUSTRAC regulated and go above and beyond the best practice security protocols of other exchanges. Use your Australian dollars with utmost security.

Made for you

With low trading fees, deep volume, trading tools, market cap info, and hundreds of coins, it's easy to invest in the crypto market on our platform.

What can you do with your Kusama?

Deposit Kusama

Easily transfer Kusama from your crypto wallets to your Cointree account instantly and be ready to trade when the market is right for you.

Hold Kusama

Investors hold Kusama on our exchange as a long term investment, as the experimental development environment and scalable network of Kusama has seen the custom blockchain grow rapidly.

Trade Kusama

Trade Kusama for another digital currency on our exchange. Instead of having to withdraw AUD when you sell KSM, you can invest in another crypto project in just a few clicks.

Send Kusama

Buy Kusama and send it to a Kusama wallet in just a few clicks. As the Kusama network is a living platform built to grow the Polkadot crypto community, users get involved in the community.

Spend Kusama

You don't have to withdraw AUD to spend your crypto. Instead, spend your crypto in both physical and online stores. Every day it gets easier to buy and sell goods with crypto.

Learn About Kusama

While we can't provide financial advice, you can visit our [learning hub](https://www.cointree.com/learn/) to get an insight into the digital economy before your deposit AUD and start trading digital currencies.

Buy Kusama in just a few minutes

It's easy to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Deposit funds and make your first trade today.