The below Maker price chart tracks the price of Maker against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
- %
Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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844.6K MKR
1.0M MKR
✓Smart contract lending platform ✓Lend or borrow without credit checks ✓Governance token
Maker is a protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain that operates as a smart contract lending platform. Anyone can lend or borrow without credit checks, using smart contracts and pegged stablecoins. Users simply take out a loan by locking up collateral, in exchange for the Multi-Collateral stablecoin Dai (DAI).
The MKR token lets holders vote on governance issues of the Maker protocol such as Stability Fees and Dai Savings Rate (DSR). Notably, Maker was the first ever Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO). The Maker Foundation was founded in 2015 and the MKR governance token was then launched in 2017.
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