NEARNear Protocol price AUD (NEAR)

Near Protocol price chart

The below Near Protocol price chart tracks the price of Near Protocol against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr




What is NEAR Protocol?

✓Layer-1 blockchain ✓Powers Web3 ✓Highly-scalable

NEAR Protocol, launched in 2020, is a developer-friendly, proof-of-stake, sharded blockchain. It's designed to overcome some limitations of existing blockchains, such as low transaction speeds and poor interoperability. NEAR offers a unique solution to scaling issues, providing an ideal environment for DApps and fostering a user-friendly platform.

How do I buy NEAR Protocol?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of NEAR Protocol that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and NEAR Protocol will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Frequently asked questions about NEAR Protocol

Everything you need to know about Near Protocol (NEAR).

Where to buy Near Protocol (NEAR) in Australia?

You can purchase Near Protocol (NEAR) on [Cointree]( We're a cryptocurrency exchange regulated here in Australia with bank level encryption to keep your coins safe. Compared to other exchanges, our platform is incredibly easy to use, making it perfect for beginner traders.

Can I purchase NEAR tokens with Australian dollars?

Yes, you can use your AUD to purchase NEAR. Simply deposit funds from your bank account onto our exchange and you can purchase NEAR and [other cryptocurrencies]( in just a few clicks. And it's just as easy to withdraw AUD as well. Furthermore, we list all coin prices in the Australian dollar so you know how much crypto you're getting for every Australian dollar invested.

Where can I store my NEAR?

NEAR tokens must be stored in a NEAR wallet. Luckily, when you sign up with Cointree, you receive a free multi-coin wallet that lets you store your cryptocurrency with ease. Alternatively, you can store your tokens in an external hardware wallet.

Is Near Protocol (NEAR) a good buy?

Before investing in a protocol's native utility token, many traders recommend that you should always do your own research (DYOR). Analysis can be much more extensive than simply asking, what's the market cap and Near Protocol price today? Traders often look at the available data before trading, including protocol supply, market cap, circulating supply, in-depth price statistics, risk metrics, protocol price history, total supply, current price, and trading volume. Many investors will also conduct a thorough fundamental analysis before they start trading NEAR. Beyond looking at the markets, current NEAR price, they research how the network is growing and the activity on the protocol. For example, they may consider whether [NFT games]( can be built on the network and the cost of running validator nodes on the Near Protocol compared to other networks. As we can't provide specific financial advice, always consult a licensed professional if you'd like investment advice. For more information on tools that traders use to analyse a project, see our article on [how to evaluate a cryptocurrency](

Buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Near Protocol. You can also switch to convert NEAR to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy NEAR Protocol in Australia?

Easy and convenient

It's easy to deposit Australian dollars onto our exchange and start trading. Simply deposit AUD and make your first trade today.

Fast and transparent

Buy NEAR Protocol in Australia in only a few clicks. With low fees and transparent quotes, you get more NEAR Protocol with every dollar invested.

Safe and secure

Keep your coins safe and secure on our AUSTRAC regulated cryptocurrency exchange. Our security practices go above and beyond the industry best practices.

Made for you

Visit your personalised data dashboard to get an overview of your portfolio. Every coin page has data to help you trade, including trading volume and the market cap.

What can you do with your NEAR Protocol?

Deposit NEAR Protocol

Be free to move NEAR Protocol whenever you want.\ Immediately add NEAR Protocol to your Cointree wallet in a few clicks.

Hold NEAR Protocol

Many members on our exchange hold the token as a long-term investment, anticipating the market cap and NEAR price to rise.

Trade NEAR Protocol

You can instantly trade any portion of your NEAR Protocol for any other digital currency within just a few clicks, and at the lowest rates in Australia.

Send NEAR Protocol

Send your tokens to an external wallet or smart contract in the NEAR ecosystem.

Spend NEAR Protocol

Spend NEAR in real stores. Every day, more and more businesses are accepting cryptocurrency as payments, especially online.

Learn About NEAR Protocol

More and more people are visiting our [learning hub](/learn/) to discover information on related protocol tags, like [web3](, [DeFi](, and [NFT games](

Buy NEAR Protocol now

Sign up and start your crypto journey by purchasing Near Protocol today.