The below Nervos Network price chart tracks the price of Nervos Network against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
46.1B CKB
✓Proof-of-work ✓Scaling solution ✓Decentralisation
The Nervos Network launched in 2018, is a public blockchain that uses a different architectural design by separating its infrastructure into two layers: a single base layer (Layer-1) and a high-performance application layer (Layer-2).
The network looks to reframe the concept of common knowledge and apply this to store user-defined crypto-assets such as NFTs and and cryptographic proofs (used for security in high-layer protocols) through the Nervos Common Knowledge Base (CKB). The CKB increases the throughput (the speed at which data is transferred) by building upon the fundamentals of the PoW consensus that governs the bitcoin project.
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