The below PancakeSwap price chart tracks the price of PancakeSwap against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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295.6M CAKE
450.0M CAKE
✓Decentralised exchange (DEX) ✓Automated market maker (AMM) ✓Built on Binance Smart Chain
PancakeSwap launched in September 2020 with its native token, CAKE, and is a decentralised exchange (DEX) that facilitates the trading of BEP-20 tokens utilising automated market maker technology (AMM).
CAKE holders are able to deposit their tokens into a pool and receive liquidity provider tokens in return. The tokens received are later used to reclaim their share of the pool with a portion of trading fees. These liquidity tokens are called FLIP. PancakeSwap was created by developers that choose to remain anonymous.
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Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in PancakeSwap. You can also switch to convert CAKE to AUD.