CAKEPancakeSwap price AUD (CAKE)

PancakeSwap price chart

The below PancakeSwap price chart tracks the price of PancakeSwap against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



295.6M CAKE

Max supply

450.0M CAKE

What is PancakeSwap?

✓Decentralised exchange (DEX) ✓Automated market maker (AMM) ✓Built on Binance Smart Chain

PancakeSwap launched in September 2020 with its native token, CAKE, and is a decentralised exchange (DEX) that facilitates the trading of BEP-20 tokens utilising automated market maker technology (AMM).

CAKE holders are able to deposit their tokens into a pool and receive liquidity provider tokens in return. The tokens received are later used to reclaim their share of the pool with a portion of trading fees. These liquidity tokens are called FLIP. PancakeSwap was created by developers that choose to remain anonymous.

How do I buy PancakeSwap?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of PancakeSwap that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and PancakeSwap will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Frequently asked questions about buying PancakeSwap (CAKE)

Everything you need to know about CAKE tokens and how to buy and sell PancakeSwap.

Where is the best place to buy PancakeSwap (CAKE)?

Cointree is the best crypto exchange in Australia. Why? Firstly, you get a free wallet to store your CAKE. Secondly, you can trade with low trading fees. Thirdly, you can secure your account with two factor authentication. Already, we're trusted by tens of thousands of users. We've helped them enter the exciting world of crypto and make their first trade.

How do I purchase PancakeSwap on Cointree?

Buying PancakeSwap on [Cointree]( is easy. Simply sign up, verify your account, make a bank transfer to our exchange straight from your bank account, and then make your first trade. Importantly, the current price is listed in the Australian dollar, so you know exactly how much crypto you're buying.

Where can I store my CAKE tokens?

The easiest place to store your CAKE tokens is in the free multi-coin wallet that you receive when you sign up with Cointree. It's safe, secure, and you can protect it with two factor authentication.

What is yield farming?

Yield farming, also known as liquidity harvesting, is an investment strategy that lets you earn extra CAKE by staking the LP tokens. Essentially, it's a way to reward people who stake in the protocol.

Is PancakeSwap a good investment?

PancakeSwap has been a very popular decentralised exchange on the Binance Smart Chain and the token value has risen considerably since inception. As for future prospects, we're unable to provide specific financial advice. Always consult a licensed professional for any investment advice.

Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in PancakeSwap. You can also switch to convert CAKE to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy PancakeSwap in Australia?


Easily deposit Australian dollars and follow our step-by-step instructions to make your first purchase of PancakeSwap. And it's just as easy to sell PancakeSwap too.

Fast and transparent

Buy PancakeSwap in minutes and start trading today. You can also convert PancakeSwap for hundreds of other digital currencies in just a few clicks.

Safe and secure

Buy PancakeSwap on an AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange, so you know that your CAKE tokens and other coins are always protected by the highest levels of security.

Made for you

Visit your personalised dashboard where you can how much CAKE token you own, data on top coins (including others in the Binance Smart Chain), and the current market rate.

What can you do with your PancakeSwap?

Deposit PancakeSwap

Prepare your funds for trading. In just a few clicks, you can instantly deposit PancakeSwap and other cryptocurrencies into your Cointree wallet.

Hold PancakeSwap

Many investors buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) to hold as a long-term investment, anticipating its value to outperform the Australian dollar and other [cryptocurrencies]( listed on our exchange.

Trade PancakeSwap

Instantly trade PancakeSwap for any other digital currency within just a few clicks. On our exchange, you're accessing some of the lowest rates in Australia when you trade CAKE.

Send PancakeSwap

On the PancakeSwap network, users can send CAKE from their PancakeSwap wallet to a liquidity pool to participate in yield farming. Using the DEX, they can also buy and sell other tokens.

Spend PancakeSwap

As more companies accept crypto as a payment method, you can use CAKE like the Australian dollar. It saves you from having to make a sell order and withdraw AUD from your exchange account.

Learn About PancakeSwap

Users can visit our extensive [learning hub]( to learn more about PancakeSwap (CAKE) and the entire crypto market, including [how to evaluate cryptocurrency](

Buy PancakeSwap right now

Start investing in crypto and buy PancakeSwap on our exchange in minutes.