The below PIVX price chart tracks the price of PIVX against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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91.3M PIVX
✓Secure Network ✓Instant ✓Verified Transaction
PIVX: Secure – Instant – Verified – Transaction(Tx) is an MIT licensed, open source, blockchain-based cryptocurrency with ultra fast transactions, low fees, high network decentralization, and Zero Knowledge cryptography proofs for industry-leading transaction anonymity.
PIVX is the first cryptocurrency to implement a directly spendable Zerocoin protocol and has also developed and implemented an industry-first Zerocoin-capable Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, called zPoS, that allows complete privacy of the balance and transactions while staking.
PIVX also utilizes a decentralized network of masternodes that allow feature services, treasury management, and community governance.
PIVX project is focused on advancing its security technology to ensure fungibility, improving network scalability, and increasing real-world utilization to become a globally-accepted decentralized online digital currency.
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