Polkadot price AUD (DOT)

Polkadot price chart

The below Polkadot price chart tracks the price of Polkadot against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



1.5B DOT

What is Polkadot?

✓Highly-scalable ✓Multi-chain architecture ✓Interoperable

Polkadot, developed by Web3 Foundation and launched in May 2020, is a sharded multichain protocol that enables various blockchains to interoperate and share data securely. As a layer-0 metaprotocol, Polkadot underpins a network of layer 1 blockchains known as parachains. It allows for a decentralised web, controlled by its users, and simplifies the creation of new applications. DOT, the native token, is used for governance, staking, and bonding parachains.

How do I buy Polkadot?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Polkadot that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Polkadot will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common Polkadot (DOT) questions

Want to buy Polkadot? We answer the questions you need to know.

How do I buy Polkadot in Australia?

You can quickly and easily make your first purchase of Polkadot on a digital currency exchange like Cointree. All you need to do is sign up, verify your identity, deposit funds, and you're ready to buy Polkadot. You can buy Polkadot (DOT) by clicking on the ‘buy’ button above. All prices are quoted in AUD.

What is the best crypto exchange to buy Polkadot?

Tens of thousands of Australians buy cryptocurrency on Cointree's exchange because it's easy-to-use, safe and secure, and is designed to help you make smarter trading decisions. In fact, it's so easy that a complete beginner can buy Polkadot in minutes.

When you trade on our exchange, you're getting access to hundreds of cryptocurrencies, low fees and a free multi-coin wallet to keep your crypto safe. Whether you want to buy Polkadot and hold it as a long term investment, or trade Polkadot as the market moves, you'll find all of the trading tools and resources you need on our exchange.

You'll also receive access to a number of resources to help you develop your trading ability and trade smarter. You can learn about the exciting world of DeFi and web3, and see how Polkadot sits at the nexus of these emerging technologies.

What payment methods are available to buy Polkadot?

It's easy to buy Polkadot on Cointree. You can make a bank transfer with PayID, mobile or online banking, or even make a cash deposit. With PayID your payment is processed instantly. You can deposit AUD and start trading in minutes.

What is DOT?

DOT is the native token on the Polkadot network. It lets token holders vote on code changes and grow their wealth if the token’s price increases over time.

It's also used as a digital currency within the Polkadot network, letting users pay for transactions as they use different blockchains in the network, such as when they make a trade on a decentralised exchange. Furthermore, it's used for staking, the process by which the proof of stake network is secured.

How is the price of Polkadot (DOT) determined?

The price of DOT is determined by the market. As the demand to buy Polkadot increases compared to the volume being sold, the price will increase. If demand falls compared to supply, the price will fall.

Many traders pay close attention to the market, trading the price movements when they spot a trading opportunity. In contrast, trading isn't for everyone. Some investors don't watch the market closely or trade on the platform every day. Instead, they make a Polkadot purchase to hold as a long term investment.

Overall, the price of Polkadot is determined by the supply and demand dynamics of all traders and investors. The price you see on our exchange is constantly updated and our low fees mean that you can get the most Polkadot tokens possible for your purchase.

Where can I safely store my Polkadot (DOT) tokens?

After you make your Polkadot purchase, you can store your tokens in your free multi-coin wallet, which you get when you create an account with Cointree. You can see the coins in your dashboard right alongside the Australian dollars you have deposited. We have a number of Fund Protection Features to ensure that your coins are protected at all times. We also recommend that you enable two factor authentication on your account to make sure your funds say safe.

You can also store your DOT tokens in an external crypto wallet, such as a Ledger. This is a popular choice for serious investors who want to custody their own coins. All you need to do is send the tokens from your account to your wallet. As always, make sure you follow the best security practices to keep your funds safe and secure.

How much is Polkadot (DOT) worth?

Polkadot is aiming to be the base layer blockchain that all other blockchains build on. They want to focus on the core blockchain technology and let other companies create innovative applications on Polkadot. If a productive ecosystem is built on top of Polkadot, some investors believe it will become an incredibly valuable protocol.

What makes Polkadot (DOT) unique?

At the moment, blockchains operate separately in silos. Polkadot aims to build a network of interoperable blockchains that create a decentralised internet, also known as web3. This is why it’s called a ‘multi-chain’ network; it joins networks together, much like the current internet connects sites, browsers and servers. Critically, they can transfer data and not just tokens over the blockchain. In this way, we can see they’re building a new infrastructure for the internet. Simply put, the key two advantages of Polkadot compared to competing layer 1 blockchains is that it is both highly scalable and interoperable.

Who founded Polkadot (DOT)?

Polkadot was created by the Web3 Foundation, which is an open-source project. Its founders are Gavin Wood, Robert Habermeier and Peter Czaban. Notably, Gavin Wood is also one of the co-founders of Ethereum and created the smart contract coding language used on the Ethereum platform — Solidity. The team started Polkadot as a competing layer 1 blockchain to overcome some of Ethereum’s limitations, specifically scalability and interoperability.

What type of blockchains are built on top of Polkadot?

There are already many innovative crypto projects being built on Polkadot. You might have heard of Kusama, the first Polkadot test network. As we’ve discussed, they will all be highly scalable and interoperable. This network growth is a key reason people are buying Polkadot.

Here are a few examples of current projects:

  • Smart contract chains such as Edgware
  • Data curation networks like the Ocean Protocol
  • Oracle chains like Chainlink
  • Identify chains, including Speckle OS
  • Financial chains like Katallassos
  • Internet of Things chains like MXC Protocol
  • Zero knowledge privacy chains like Zerochain
  • File storage chains
  • Bridge to Ethereum

How is the Polkadot (DOT) network secured?

Polkadot uses a common set of validators to secure multiple blockchains, allowing data to be shared securely across many parachains. It means people can buy DOT and then seamlessly send Polkadot across the entire network (imagine a bank transfer but 10 times easier and faster). The network uses a nominated proof-of-stake (NPoS) consensus mechanism to select validators and nominators to secure the chain. This enables different chains to remain independently governed, while still interacting securely under the same rules. Therefore, it’s both a secure and interoperable platform.

Buy Polkadot (DOT)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Polkadot. You can also switch to convert DOT to AUD.


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Why is Cointree the best place to buy Polkadot in Australia?


It's easy to deposit Australian dollars and then directly purchase (DOT) in a few clicks. You don't even need a credit or debit card, you can buy DOT instantly with PayID.


You can quickly buy Polkadot on our easy-to-use crypto exchange. Simply select your payment method and make your Polkadot purchase in moments.


When you buy Polkadot on our AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange, your DOT token, any additional token, and every Australian dollar are protected with our Fund Protection Features.


Our platform is designed to help you make smarter decisions with a personalised overview of your portfolio, custom price alerts and auto trading features.

What can you do with your Polkadot?

Deposit Polkadot

Depositing Polkadot into your Cointree account is now faster than ever. Simply go to your Wallet to complete your Receive Coin request.

Hold Polkadot

Not everyone wants to trade Polkadot frequently. You can buy DOT and hold it while the Polkadot network grows as a platform that other blockchains build on top of it.

Trade Polkadot

It's easy and affordable to buy and sell DOT on one of the best crypto exchanges in Australia. With low fees, you get additional tokens over time as every dollar gets you more DOT per trade.

Send Polkadot

Buy Polkadot and send it to an external wallet or to a friend. As many people discover, sending crypto is faster than a bank transfer.

Spend Polkadot

Leave the debit card at home and spend Polkadot when you go shopping next. Both online and in the real world, more and more stores are accepting digital currencies as payment.

Learn About Polkadot

On our comprehensive learning hub, you can see how digital currencies like Polkadot work and how to trade Polkadot with helpful trading tools.

Buy Polkadot in minutes

Buy Polkadot with only AUD $25 after you deposit funds from your bank account.