The below SafePal price chart tracks the price of SafePal against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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500.0M SFP
500.0M SFP
✓Control your crypto ✓Hardware wallet ✓Utility token
SafePal is the utility token of a hardware crypto wallet that allows you to own and control your crypto assets. Users who are SFP token holders seek to get a discount on the SafePal products and services using the safepal app. SafePal aims to offer affordable hardware wallets as well as secure software wallets for users.
SafePal token is also used for staking to gain extra incentive. The token holders participate in the governance system by creating proposals or voting on the proposals proposed by other holders of the SFP coin. It is serving over 3 million users across 196 countries.
SafePal does not store your private key, seed phrase, or passwords. Once the Security password is set, it must be remembered in order to access the app.
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