The below Swipe price chart tracks the price of Swipe against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
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Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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636.3M SXP
✓Crypto dbit card ✓Fuel for the Swipe Network (DeFi) ✓Utility based
Another cryptocurrency which is exploring the growing field of Decentralized Finance, the vision of the Swipe ecosystem was to create a simple, frictionless payments system that would eventually achieve mainstream adoption.
The SXP token forms the cornerstone of this network which can be used for, but not limited to; covering transactional fees within the Swipe ecosystem, providing token holders with the ability to exercise community governance; staking rewards and most importantly, the native token can be used for payments at over ‘60 million merchants worldwide’.
It is a great sign when crypto giants such as Binance have taken notice of such a project and possess a large stake in the Swipe company. Additionally, the team of professionals supporting Swipe hail from a background of experience with Silicon Valley giants and undoubtedly have the necessary infrastructure to pave the way for unprecedented adoption.
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