Theta Fuel price AUD (TFUEL)

Theta Fuel price chart

The below Theta Fuel price chart tracks the price of Theta Fuel against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr




What is Theta Fuel?

✓Operational token ✓Theta Network ✓Native token

Theta Fuel was created to power the Theta network. As an operational token, TFUEL powers on-chain operations like payments to relayers for sharing a video stream, or for deploying or interacting with smart contracts. Relayers earn TFUEL for every video stream they relay to other users on the network. You can think of Theta Fuel as the “gas” of the protocol.

How do I buy Theta Fuel?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Theta Fuel that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Theta Fuel will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Common questions about Theta Fuel

Everything you need to know before buying TFUEL and other digital currencies in Australia.

What is Theta Fuel?

The Theta blockchain provides the infrastructure for a decentralised video streaming network. Theta Fuel is the token of the Theta network that is used to power transactions. As ETH is used to pay for transactions on the Ethereum network, TFUEL is used to pay for transactions on the Theta blockchain.

How can you purchase TFUEL?

You can buy Theta Fuel on a cryptocurrency exchange like [Cointree]( A crypto exchange is similar to a stock exchange, except you can buy and sell digital assets instead of equities. To buy TFUEL on Cointree, simply create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and make your first purchase. It's that easy and only takes five minutes to get started. You can also sell TFUEL and withdraw AUD with ease on our exchange.

Where can I store my tokens?

You can store your TFUEL tokens in your free multi-coin wallet on Cointree. You can store hundreds of cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. We encourage you to use two factor authentication to further secure your account.

Buy Theta Fuel (TFUEL)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Theta Fuel. You can also switch to convert TFUEL to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Theta Fuel in Australia?

Easy and convenient

It's easy to buy Theta Fuel (TFUEL) or sell Theta Fuel (TFUEL) using the Australian dollar on our exchange. You can check the market cap and current price and then convert Theta Fuel to AUD in just a few clicks.

Fast and transparent

Buy Theta Fuel in Australia instantly and with low fees, so you get more Theta Fuel today, for every Australian dollar invested. When the market cap and technical analysis are favourable, you can make your purchase in seconds.

Safe and secure

Buy Theta Fuel with Australian dollars or sell Theta Fuel (TFUEL) on our AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange and rest assured that your coins and dollars are secure 24/7.

Made for you

While we can't provide financial advice, we've created a personalised platform so you can check the past performance, set a sell order, check the price of Theta Fuel, and trade TFUEL straight from your custom dashboard.

What can you do with your Theta Fuel?

Deposit Theta Fuel

With no fees on cryptocurrency deposits, instantly transfer Theta Fuel into your Cointree account so you're trade-ready.

Hold Theta Fuel

As the Theta blockchain gains traction in the crypto market, more people are buying Theta fuel as a long-term investment. With TFUEL (Theta Fuel) powering the Theta protocol, demand for the token could rise in the future.

Trade Theta Fuel

Trade Theta Fuel for any other digital currency within just a few clicks. As always, past performance doesn't guarantee future performance and the crypto market remains highly volatile.

Send Theta Fuel

When you buy Theta Fuel in Australia with Cointree, you can quickly and easily send your Theta Fuel to any other Theta Fuel wallet.

Spend Theta Fuel

Spend Theta Fuel in store just like any other currency. It can be as easy-to-use crypto as it is to use the Australian dollar, US dollar or even Hong Kong dollar.

Learn About Theta Fuel

Visit our [learning hub]( to learn more about TFUEL tokens as the second token for the Theta blockchain, the mainnet launch, how you can earn TFUEL tokens, and much more.

Buy Theta Fuel in just a few minutes

Deposit instantly from your bank account and buy TFUEL today.