Tronix price AUD (TRX)

Tronix price chart

The below Tronix price chart tracks the price of Tronix against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



95.0B TRX

What is Tronix?

✓ Large network & support ✓ Digital media content focus ✓ Decentralised sharing platform

TRON, launched in 2017 by the TRON Foundation, is a decentralised blockchain that has grown to be one of the most used networks for Defi and stable coins in recent years. TRON was designed to enable high throughput, scalability, and availability for Decentralized Applications (DApps), through its smart contract platform. TRX, the native token of the TRON network, is integral to the TRON ecosystem, enabling transactions and being widely used in applications built on the network.

How do I buy Tronix?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Tronix that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Tronix will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

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Frequently asked questions about Tron (TRX) cryptocurrency

Everything you need to know before buying Tron in Australia and how to choose an exchange for a seamless trading experience.

Can I buy Tron with Australian dollars?

Yes, you can buy Tron using Australian dollars. You can also withdraw AUD if you sell your crypto on our exchange as well. Alternatively, you can use other [digital currencies](, like bitcoin and Ethereum, to purchase TRX.

How can I buy Tron in Australia?

You can buy Tron in Australia on a crypto trading exchange like Cointree. It's easy to get started too. All you need to do is set up a trading account, quickly verify it, deposit AUD to your exchange account with a bank transfer, and make your first purchase. It's that simple. [Register now]( to get started.

Is Tron a good investment?

At [Cointree](, we cannot provide financial advice. If you would like specific financial advice on whether you should buy Tron, sell Tron, or trade Tron, always consult a licensed professional. Tron aims to build a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem that's part of the global entertainment industry and Tron aims for part of the value created to accrue to TRX holders. Tron’s network means digital media creators can have total control and ownership over the data they create, including distribution to their audiences. While Tron has seen its market cap rise significantly since inception, cryptocurrency investing can always be highly volatile and past performance doesn't guarantee future performance.

Where can I store my TRX tokens?

After you buy TRX, you can store Tron and other digital currencies in the free crypto wallet that you receive when you sign up with Cointree. We always ensure that your personal information is kept safe and our exchange has the highest levels of security in the industry. Alternatively, you can store your TRX in a cold wallet such as a Ledger.

Buy Tronix (TRX)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Tronix. You can also switch to convert TRX to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Tronix in Australia?

Easy and convenient

Easily buy Tron (TRX) on our crypto exchange with a simple bank transfer and a few quick clicks. You can trade TRX in seconds.

Fast and transparent

Buy Tron and other digital currency on our fast and transparent cryptocurrency exchange. Our low fees help you manage the market risk.

Safe and secure

Buy Tron with confidence on an AUSTRAC regulated Australian exchange protected with bank-level encryption.

Made for you

Our personalised exchange makes it easy for you to trade digital currency, buy Tron, and enter the Tron ecosystem seamlessly.

What can you do with your Tronix?

Deposit Tronix

Have your funds ready to trade. Deposit Tronix and other cryptocurrencies in just a few clicks.

Hold Tronix

Many investors buy Tron and hold their Tron purchase to earn Tron power or as a long-term investment, with expectations that Tron content creators will add value to the Tron ecosystem.

Trade Tronix

Buy Tron (TRX) and trade it for Australian dollars or another digital currency in just a few clicks at the best current price. Unlike most exchanges, we make the trading experience as easy as possible.

Send Tronix

Buy Tron and send TRX to a Tron cold wallet to store or connect directly to Tron's ecosystem and access Tron's blockchain-based entertainment content.

Spend Tronix

Sell Tron to buy other digital currencies using blockchain technology, such as within the next generation social media outlet projects being built on Tron.

Learn About Tronix

Learn about how to buy Tron, the Tron blockchain, and the Tron foundation on our extensive learning hub. Always do your own research before buying Tron.

Buy Tron (TRX) today

Deposit instantly with your bank account and purchase Tron (TRX) today.