The below Voyager Token price chart tracks the price of Voyager Token against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
✓The people-powered blockchain platform. ✓A powerhouse in your pocket. ✓The future of social finance.
What was formerly known as Ethos, has now been re-branded to the Voyager token. Voyager was initially developed to provide a regulated crypto exchange/broker, increasing accessibility to the digital currency market for all.
Voyager’s brokerage services let people trade crypto without having to worry about transactional fees, as the platform does not charge any commissions. By establishing connections with other major cryptocurrency exchanges, Voyager proclaims that users will have access to an abundant pool of crypto assets for efficient order execution.
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Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Voyager Token. You can also switch to convert to AUD.