The below Wanchain price chart tracks the price of Wanchain against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
- %
Low: $
High: $
Low: $
High: $
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198.5M WAN
210.0M WAN
✓Decentralized Exchange ✓Asset Management Tools ✓Cross-chain dApps
Based on complex algebra, locked accounts with SMPC enables low threshold to convert any digital asset from any blockchain into a corresponding proxy asset on Wanchain's blockchain. This unleashes the power to build compelling distributed cross-chain Dapps and removes centralized counterparty risk. Wanchain will support ERC20 and protocol tokens. Wanchain aims to create a new financial services industry centered around digital assets using cross-chain interoperability, privacy, and smart contracts.
Wanchain's blockchain builds upon the strengths and robustness of Ethereum. Any Ethereum Dapp will run on Wanchain with zero code changes, yet, applications can be enhanced with Wanchain's APIs to leverage protection and cross-chain capabilities.
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